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Ana Staples


Ana Staples is a credit card industry expert and journalist covering credit and personal finance. Ana has been featured on Business Insider, Bloomberg QuickTake, and CNBC, along with TV and radio stations across the country to share expertise on credit trends, credit card products, and personal finance. Previously, Ana wrote for Bankrate, Experian, and CreditCards.com, and had two columns dedicated to credit advice for young people. Ana spends her free time browsing bookstores where she habitually abuses her budget.

Ana Staples is a credit card industry expert and journalist covering credit and personal finance. Ana has been featured on Business Insider, Bloomberg QuickTake, and CNBC, along with TV and radio stations across the country to share expertise on credit trends, credit card products, and personal finance. Previously, Ana wrote for Bankrate, Experian, and CreditCards.com, and had two columns dedicated to credit advice for young people. Ana spends her free time browsing bookstores where she habitually abuses her budget.

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September 8, 2022

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